Botanical Gardens and Farewell Party…

Today was quite relaxing yet busy at the same time.  Angela left early and went with a bunch of her friends from church to the Chicago Botanical Gardens.  They had a very enjoyable time there and she got some great pictures…




She said it was absolutely beautiful and there were so many wonderful gardens and flower types to see.  They even went to a cooking demonstration there.

While she was gone, the rest of us ate a liesurely breakfast, cleaned up a bit, and then watched TV and played Wii.  Carmen is AWESOME at tennis and knocks everyone out at boxing.  I can humble her a bit in bowling, golf, and baseball, however!  🙂  It was nice to just sit back and relax after the long day and much walking yesterday.

At about 2, we all got ready (except Angela who was still gone) and went to the farewell party for the Spanish students.  It was at Centennial Park (near Centennial Beach where they had one of their excursions).  It was a very nice place, and we had a large pavilion just in case it rained.  We had burgers, hot dogs, and a TON of food.  Everyone played soccer, volleyball, sat around and talked, and had a great time.  I got to meet some more of the host parents.  We are very (hopefully our schedule will allow) to do this again next year!  Here are some pictures of the event:




Angela got back from her trip and got to the party about 15 minutes before it ended.  It took a little longer to get back than she had expected, but made it there.  🙂  Gaul’s are going on vacation to Disney World and so we will have Marta for the remaining 3 days they are here.  They had to say goodbye to her there at the park and we all had a group hug…


I think it was a little hard for Marta to say good-bye to them.  We’re not looking forward to saying good-bye on Tuesday either!  🙁  It will be very sad to lose our new-found daughter.

We went home, and spent the rest of the night relaxing and watching a movie.  Angela has to speak in church tomorrow so she spent the time working on her talk, and I spent most of the evening working to finish up a digital photo album for Carmen as a memory of her time spent with us.  I think Brittany came up and told us good night at about midnight (long after we had fallen asleep)!  🙂