Park, Library, Shopping, and Badminton!

Zach-Ben-ParkToday was a pretty busy day for everyone.  Carmen ate birthday cake for breakfast!  🙂  That sounds like something I would do!  While I was at work, Angela took the kids to the park to play and then to the library.  They had a lot of fun.  Ben’s favorite things to do are to swing and to ride in the cars like he is doing in this picture.  Zach loves everything and it’s hard to keep up with him.  He constantly runs around from thing to thing full of energy and laughter.  Kirstyn likes to wander and just loves being outside.

Even Carmen got into the action.  As you can see, she enjoyed getting on the little kids things!  🙂  Angela thought it was pretty funny and had to get some pictures!  It was a nice day to be outside.  Not too hot, and not too cold.  This year has been unseasonably cool for this time of year which we have absolutely loved.



After playing in the park, they all went to the library to check out some books, movies, and computer games.  The kids really like going to the library!  Every time they go, the library seems to have new stuff for them to check out.

After checking out a bunch of books at the library, they all came back home for some lunch.  Elena (one of the Spanish kids that came to the party last night) called Carmen and asked her to go to the mall and do some shopping with her.  So, from 2:30 – 6:30, they spent their time wandering around the mall looking in all the shops.  Overall I think that the only thing that was purchased in the 4 hours was a t-shirt.  🙂  That’s typical of something our girls would do too!

Elena and Carmen got back just in time to leave for the Young Men and Young Women activities at the church.  Carmen asked if Elena could come and of course, we said yes.  Brittany had gone over early for a meeting, so we went over and picked up Christina, Brittany’s friend, and went over to the church.  The girls played badminton and had a blast.



While the girls were playing badminton, I played a game of Kubb with some of the young men and their leaders.  Kubb (pronounced koob) is a lawn game where the object is to knock over wooden blocks by throwing wooden sticks at them. Kubb can be simply described as a combination of bowling and horseshoes.  Today’s version originated in Sweden.  It’s a LOT of fun!



After the activity was over, I treated everyone to frosties (Brittany, Christina, Carmen, Elena, and myself) before dropping everyone off and going back home.  The girls really enjoyed the activity, and Carmen REALLY enjoyed her chocolate frosty!  As soon as I even mentioned going to get frosties, her face lit up with a huge smile and she was excited!  🙂