Limousine and Perfect White Sox Game!!!

Today was a great day!  Things were pretty quiet until about 11:30 at which time Angela took Carmen to the mall parking lot to go on the last excursion of  the trip…  a Chicago White Sox game.  When they arrived at the mall, 3 limousines pulled up to take them downtown!  There were 2 stretch Hummers and 1 black Lincoln stretch.  Most of the kids eyes bugged-out when they saw them pull up.  In Spain, we were told, only movie stars ride in limousines!  Everyone crowded around them trying to get a good seat.  The Hummers looked to be the favorite!



After the kids piled into the limos and were off to the game, Angela came back home and worked on her talk for church on Sunday.  She is speaking about music in the home and how it helps our family.

I got home at about 5 and Angela and I went out on a date.  We got a quick bite to eat at Steak and Shake and then went to the Food Storage Center to can some food storage.  This year, our ward (church congregation) has been focusing on self-reliance and each month, we have the opportunity to order food for this.  We have been doing this to supplement what we had already, and now have enough food stored to last our entire family about a year should something happen (loss of job, natural disaster, etc.).  It’s very comforting to know that we are covered should something happen.  Tonight we canned wheat, white beans, refried beans, and flour.  We also also got some apple slices.

Meanwhile back at the house, Brittany cooked dinner for the kids (macaroni and cheese, vegetables, fruit, and strawberry lemonade).  To top it off, she cooked a white bundt cake with chocolate frosting.  We appreciate Brittany so much for her ability to take care of her brothers and sister so Angela and I can go out and have some fun once and awhile!  🙂


Carmen came back home at about 7:30 or so.  She said that the game was very fun and that she had a great time!  The limousines had taken them downtown, and then they had taken the train back home.  The group this afternoon witnessed a piece of history at the game…  The White Sox pitched a no-hitter!  This is only the 17th regular season no-hitter of all time!  Carmen said the crowd was going wild and cheering like crazy toward the end of the game, hoping that this would happen, and it did!  I was very jealous that she got to see this and I didn’t.  Initially I had suggested that Angela and I get tickets to the game and go, but we decided not to.  Now I regret it!  🙂


We also found out that the kids were on the news after the game!  There was a video clip posted to the local ABC News site that showed some of them celebrating!  The kids were shown on the news, but on the internet, they were only shown on the video introduction splash.  It is below:


After Angela and I got home from our date, we got Kirstyn to bed (fortunately, Zach and Ben were already down and asleep), and then Angela, Brittany, Carmen and I decided to watched a new movie we just got.  The name of the movie is “Forever Strong” and was very good.  It’s about rugby and how people can change their lives.  Very good movie.  The Elder missionary that is serving in our ward right now (Elder Stroud) was in it as one of the rugby players.  It was fun to see him pre-mission!  🙂

The movie got over at about 11:30pm and we were all tired so we all went right to bed to get a good night sleep!