The Pre-Party, Party Day!

brittany-discusWhat a great day we had today.  Not only was Kirk off work, but we got to do many things!  The day started off as we went to watch Brittany’s track practice.  She is doing so well.  When we go there, she was practicing discus and shot put.  As she was finishing up, we (Sarah, Carmen, Kirstyn, Zach, and Kirk) went to the Waubonsie Valley High School tennis courts with our rackets and balls.  We played tennis for awhile and Brittany and Christina joined in.carmen-tennissarah-tennis  Carmen plays tennis at home and is pretty good!  Even though our girls don’t have much experience playing tennis, they were excited to be out and trying it!  Zach tripped and cut his knee on the cement and so we spent a little bit of time making him feel better.  This involved going to Wendy’s tennis-alland getting frosties for all!  That did the trick!  Carmen absolutely loved the chocolate frosty she got!  Slurpees and Frostys are now her thing!  🙂

After coming back to the house and eating lunch, Kirk took Sarah, Brittany and Carmen shopping for a birthday present for Zachary which they didn’t have.  Better luck tomorrow (we hope) since his birthday is on Sunday.  We went to Toys-R-Us which Carmen immediately recognized from home and we had a fun time walking around the store looking at everything.  On the way back home, we stopped by the store and bought a bag of Cheetos.  We found that Carmen absolutely loves them so we’ll be making another run to the store soon!  🙂


This evening we spent in North Aurora at a big 4th of July celebration.  We ate dinner there, listened to live music, talked, and after that, watched a spectacular fireworks show.  We enjoyed it very much!  Carmen even helped the girls translate a little bit when they went to get some food!  🙂

We just got home and it’s about 11:45 so we’re crashing to sleep hard tonight!  What a wonderful day we had!


