Bowling, Shopping, and Tie Dye!

We had a day today that was loaded with activities!  It kept us very busy.  I worked from home today and got a lot accomplished.  After a wonderful breakfast from Angela of blueberry pancakes,  Brittany went to her last track practice.  Her last meet is tomorrow.  She has been doing very well and we’re proud of her efforts!  We can’t wait to see her run tomorrow!  While she was gone, Carmen ran a couple miles on the treadmill while Ben and Zach ran around the basement like crazy men.  🙂

Around noon, Angela took everyone but Ben (I stayed home with him to make things a “little” easier on her), and went bowling with Kirstyn and her Activity Days group.  Kirstyn hung out with her friends and had a blast, while Angela took the rest of them (Taylor, Lexi, and Marta met them at the bowling alley) and bowled a couple of games.  They had a great time bowling, eating pizza, and snacking on candy!



For the most part, things went well.  Angela’s big challenge was to keep the kids fed but mostly to keep Zach from running around in other lanes and from wandering in front of other bowlers just as they were ready to roll.  🙂

When they got home, I finished up my work, picked up Marta from the Gaul’s, and took both Carmen and Marta to the mall to go shopping.  Carmen had asked if she and Marta could go to the mall sometime to do some shopping because trying to shop with 30 other kids didn’t give them any time to try on things or to really enjoy the shopping experience.  I needed to get the car serviced and kept putting it off, so this was a good time to go.  I took Brittany with me to keep me company.  Carmen and Marta shopped until 4:30 and then called me to let me know they were done.  I met them and brought them back home.  They were exhausted, but happy!  🙂 While the girls were shopping, Sarah and Taylor went to a baseball game and had a great time there.

Carmen had a chance to talk to her parents this evening as well.  Her dad called up at about 6 pm (1 am their time).  They had a great chat and Carmen was very happy to talk to them.   We have been so busy doing fun things, her parents didn’t know when we would be home, so they waited until that late to call.  🙂

After a dinner of baked potatoes, corn on the cob, and grilled chicken, we went to youth night at the church.  We (Sarah, Brittany, and I)  picked up Taylor, Marta, and Diana Xu (one of Sarah’s friends) and headed over to the church.  Brittany’s group worked on their personal progress activities, while Sarah’s group made tie die t-shirts.

YWActivity1 YWActivity2

They all had a LOT of fun doing this and we can’t wait to see how their shirts turn out.  The Oveson’s (friends of ours who used to be in our Ward) were visiting and it was great to see their kids there.  They have REALLY grown up.  Steven will be going on his mission soon, and Lars, who is 2 years younger is about 6′ 5″!  Brittany had a great time catching up with Maddie.  To end the activity, we took a group photo of Sarah’s class.


After dropping everyone off, we came home and got ready for bed.  Sarah, Brittany, and Carmen then stayed up until almost midnight playing cards, giggling, and having a GREAT time!  🙂  Carmen taught them some new card games that they are excited to now share with their friends.