
/Tag: Benjamin

Stitches Out

Ben’s stitches came out yesterday.  His scar will be obvious for a little while, but it should blend into his eyebrow eventually (especially if he gets Kirk’s eyebrows).  🙂

Sarah’s follow-up x-rays happened yesterday, as well.  And Brittany was at the doctor on Monday.  Hopefully next week, they’ll be absolutely no doctor visits.  (Ben did put his teeth through his lip today, but alas, no need for stitches!  Hooray!)  Zachary did have to get 2 cavities taken care of last week, so Kirstyn was our only one without doctor or dentist visits the past 2 weeks.  Oy!

By |2009-03-18T05:38:19-07:00March 14th, 2009|Home Life|0 Comments

Poor Benjamin Got Stitches!


Just after Benjamin turned 1, he was weeble-wobbling around (his version of walking), fell, and hit his head on the corner of Sarah’s bed.  He now has 5 stitches right on the edge of his right eyebrow.  Ouch!

Sarah felt horrible and freaked out at all the blood running down his face when she picked him up.  She thought she’d mamed him for life!  We’ll have to have a little first-aid lesson with the kids on how to handle injuries like this.

When we took him to the hospital and they got the area deadened, they had to wrap him in a blanket like a burrito, put him on a board and bind him down so he couldn’t move his arms and legs.  We then had to hold his head while the doctor stitched him up.  He screamed like crazy, and we felt soooo bad for him!  🙁

By |2009-03-24T07:49:11-07:00March 7th, 2009|Home Life|0 Comments