Zach New Cast!

Aaaarrrrgh!  Zach went to the doctor today and the guy put a new cast on him for another 2 WEEKS! He “didn’t” say anything about not playing football, so we’re not going to ask…  🙂

Zach was pretty bummed (although laughing in the picture above with his old cast on his other arm), but we talked to our friends who were in the same situation last year about how to pad up a cast.  Zach and I went over to their house and she showed us how to do it.  It takes awhile, but when it gets done, he looks like he has a huge padded club on the end of his arm.  🙂

He only will have to play with the club for 2 games then for the final 3 he’ll have it off.  He thinks he’s pretty cool with it on and it makes him look really tough!  🙂