Yearly Archives: 2011


Fun New Year’s Eve

The last couple of days have been wonderful!  The weather has been AWESOME (in the 70s) and we have really enjoyed going outside, relaxing and enjoying our time with family.  We could definitely handle this kind of weather all year round!  🙂  The kids went for walks all over, fed horses, and they did some crafty stuff and made fun necklaces…

Today we relaxed for most of the day, and then in the afternoon, Angela and I took Jeremy and D’Neill  out to a movie.  We saw War Horse.  It was pretty good.  We then went over to  Rudy’s BBQ (a gas station with a restaurant) and picked up some Texas BBQ to take home for New Year’s Eve dinner.  It was awesome!  We had brisket and pulled pork that would melt in your mouth!  The sauce was great too!  Angela and I bought a couple of big bottles to bring home… One regular and one “sissy sauce” that we will enjoy as a family…

I also saw one of my favorite signs there.  It totally fit me to a tee…

After we ate dinner and were stuffed, we just sat around, watched TV, played games, and waited for midnight.  By the time that rolled around, we were barely awake (I know, we’re getting old)!  We said our “happy new years” wishes and we all went to bed.

Happy New Year everyone!

By |2012-01-18T06:51:46-07:00December 31st, 2011|Home Life|0 Comments

Warm Weather and Deer Guts!

This morning we got up early and headed out!  We were excited to get to Texas and get our driving over with.  What the kids didn’t realize is that once we got into Texas, we still had about a 5 hour drive to get to where we were going!  🙂

We crossed the state line and stopped and a rest area and tourist information center, to get a better map, and to stretch!

We then drove down through Dallas, past Waco, and finally arrived at Harker Heights.  It is a suburb of Killeen and is right next to Fort Hood.  Harker Heights (where Jeremy and D’Neill live) seems completely out in the middle of nowhere.  When you come around the hill, however, along with Killeen, it’s MUCH larger than you would think.  That area is home to Fort Hood adn the III Army Corps.  It is the largest active duty armored post in the US Armed Services.  It covers about 340 square miles and is right between Waco and Austin.  There are about 90,000 people stationed there, and when you add all the civilians as well, it’s pretty good size for where it’s located.  We heard that when people go on active duty, the place becomes almost like a ghost town.  When they all come back, the place is busting at the seams!

It was great to see Jeremy and D’Neill and their family.  They were pretty excited to see us, although we probably came storming in like a heard of buffalo!  🙂  It was great to see how much their kids have grown!  Almost right off, the kids got an eye-full!  🙂  Jeremy and his buddy had just come back from hunting and skinned and quartered the deer right in their back yard!

It was really funny to watch the kid’s faces as they cut the thing up!  Ben and Zach (obviously) were extremely interested, while the girls didn’t want to have anything to do with it.  🙂  We got a great laugh over that!  Welcome to Texas!

By |2012-01-17T06:40:03-07:00December 29th, 2011|Home Life|0 Comments

Texas Bound!

This morning we left very early and started our drive to Texas!  We are going down to Harker Heights to visit Jeremy and D’Neill and their family (Angela’s Brother).  It’s about a 17 hour drive down, but we decided to make some stops along the way and have some fun!

Our first stop was in St. Louis.  We had never been to the top of the Gateway Arch before, so we decided it was about time.  It was a really cool experience…

We were wondering how the elevators worked in the thing since it is an arch, and it turns out it is an 8 car cog tram that slowly makes it’s way up.  You sit in these little egg-shaped cars that are very small and could be very crazy if you are claustrophobic!  🙂  As you make your way up, the car tilts, and then swings which makes it like a bumpy ferris wheel.  It was a little nerve racking but fun.  🙂  When we got to the top, the views were amazing!  The day could not have been more perfect and you could see all around (the city on one side, and the Mississippi River on the other.

The boys particularly loved it!  Kirstyn kept making comments about the Percy Jackson books because one of the events took place in the arch!  🙂  There’s quite a bit of history in the city and we were able to talk to the kids about some of it (before they glassed over and got bored).  In the picture above, the courthouse with the green dome roof was where the Dred Scott case was argued back in 1857.  Pretty cool!

After coming down from the top of the arch, we visited the Museum of Westward Expansion in the basement area of the arch.  It was pretty funny…   They had a large wall of pictures and descriptions of the Lewis and Clark adventure and there were many pictures of the Salmon River Valley, etc.  The people there were very excited to tell us all about it.  That is until they found out Angela was from that region and may have known more about the area than they did.  🙂

We wandered around the beautiful grounds (nice for December – in the 50’s) got our family picture taken by a passer-by, and then headed back to the car.

We then drove over to the St. Louis Temple and spent a few minutes there admiring the building.  It is hard to believe that it has been 14 years since the open house we attended before its dedication!  😐

We then were off to cross the state of Missouri to Joplin, down into Oklahoma (which I had never been to before) and then on to Texas.  We were very interested in stopping in Jopin, because that is where the F5 tornado came through last summer, destroying a bunch of the town, and killing a bunch of people.  When we pulled in, we initially couldn’t tell anything had happened until we drove a little north of the city to where our church building “had been.”  When we arrived in the area, we couldn’t believe what we saw.  Although it had been 6 months from the tornado incident, there was still a huge amount of devastation.  An area of about a mile wide (north and south) and as far as you could see (east and west) was totally trashed!  All the trees were completely stripped and all that were left were the trunks.  Homes were completely destroyed, the high school was ripped to shreds, and there were places that houses had once stood that were now just empty plots of dirt with not even a single blade of grass.  The people had started to rebuild so there were some telephone poles up and some power lines, but they have a ways to go.  The place where the church building stood is now a barren plot of ground and there is no evidence that a building was even there.  🙁

From what what we could tell, the two pictures above were taken where the church once stood).  The top one (we think) was taken right on the church grounds.  You can see what happened to the high school!  Pictures don’t really express the amount of damage and it was a very humbling experience to drive and walk around the place.  To see where entire parking lots were ripped up and lamp posts were ripped off their bases was just amazing.  The strange thing is that when you got to the edge of the damage, the roofs all looked new, but the trees were fine and there was no additional damage.  It was just a mile or so wide area that was carved out of the earth.  Living in Illinois, we hear the tornado warning sirens all the time, and there have been a couple of tornadoes come close, but nothing like this.

It was starting to get dark, so we jumped back in the van and headed into Oklahoma, where we are now spending the night in a small town  just southeast of Tulsa.  Tomorrow we’ll be up and on the road early so we can get to Texas and relax!

By |2012-01-17T06:26:09-07:00December 28th, 2011|Home Life|0 Comments

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

This morning we got up early, got dressed for church, and then all went down to see what Santa had brought!  It is always fun to see the excitement on the kid’s faces on Christmas morning.  They love to be happy and we love it when they’re happy!

I think the kids were all excited about the stuff they got.  Angela got a laptop and I got a digital SLR camera which both of us are VERY excited about!  The family got a new Wii to replace our broken one, Sarah got money for college :-), Brittany finally got a new mp3 player, Kirstyn got some DS games and other stuff, and the boys were very excited about their Bat Cave (shown above)!

I think it’s wonderful that Christmas falls on a Sunday this year.  After enjoying the Santa presents, we all jumped in the car and went to Church.  We only had Sacrament meeting this week, but boy was it wonderful!  The choir sang a bunch of musical numbers (all three girls sang in the choir), and Sarah had a full-song solo.  She was so nervous about it because practice wasn’t going as well as she wanted.  They added Brittany and and another choir member to do a beautiful backup, and it turned out AMAZING!  Sarah was so beautiful up there singing.  It brought tears to our eyes (although some of these tears were ones of relief that it went well)!  🙂  It’s wonderful that on Christmas Day, we can more fully remember Christ in our activities.

As soon as we got home from church, on came the pajamas and we then opened the presents from family and from each other.

We had all kinds of fun and got some really fun and cool things!  Angela’s sister-in-law made us all aprons which was really cool!  We needed those to keep all that food off of our clothes when cooking!  🙂

We then spent the rest of the day enjoying each other’s company, playing games together, enjoying our new presents, and doing not much else!  🙂  What a relaxing time!  We have been so blessed this year in all ways (spiritually, temporally, physically, etc.).  For that we are very thankful!

Merry Christmas everyone!

By |2012-01-13T06:45:14-07:00December 25th, 2011|Home Life|0 Comments

Christmas Eve Festivities

As always, tonight we had a GREAT Christmas Eve!  As in years past, we had a great dinner, caroling, and nativity!

We got together with 3 other couples and their families for dinner and had a wonderful spread!  By the time we finished eating, we weren’t sure if we could walk out to the cars to go caroling!  🙂  It’s always fun to get together with friends for a great meal and to socialize.  We really appreciate this tradition that we have now been doing for about 5 years now…

After dinner, we all piled in our cars and drove around the area singing Christmas carols and delivering plates of cookies to families.  We were well received.  The only issue we had is that at one place (along a busy road), Zach and Ben jumped out and ran across the road without looking!  😐  There were cars coming and it was a close call!  They were so fast, that I didn’t even have a chance to get out of the van before they were gone!  One of the other ladies that was there with us about had a heart attach along with me!  Fortunately we had two cars with us and Angela was already around the corner so she didn’t see it first hand!  Boy did those little guys get a talking to!  Other than that, we had a blast!

We then came to our house and acted out the Nativity.  This year we had a baby, so we didn’t have to use a doll!  🙂  It was a lot of fun and although it seems and looks really corny, it really makes Christmas Eve complete!

After acting out the Nativity, we went upstairs for a hot chocolate bar.  It was wonderful and everybody drank hot chocolate and ate cookies and pastries until they were ready to go to sleep from food overload.  🙂  What a great time we have every year!  We really look forward to that.  Other than the kids getting presents on Christmas Day, we almost look more forward Christmas Eve and the activities we do then!  Well, time to throw out the reindeer food and put out Santa’s plate, so we’ll see you tomorrow!  Merry Christmas!

By |2012-01-13T06:25:55-07:00December 24th, 2011|Home Life|0 Comments

Ward Christmas Party

Tonight we had our Ward Adult Christmas Party.  It was a ton of fun.  It was held at the White Eagle Owners Club which was very nice because the place came pre-decorated!  🙂  All we had to do was set up the tables and decorate them.  The food was wonderful (especially the desserts), and we had a great time chatting with everyone that came…

All the tables looked amazing as well.  We then had a white elephant gift exchange that was pretty funny.  Some of the gifts were actually really nice (not what I would consider as a white elephant).  🙂  Any gift could be taken from another up to 3 times and then upon the third steal, the gift became theirs.  We ended up getting a couple of exercise DVDs that no one decided they wanted to take from us.  🙂

By |2012-01-05T08:53:15-07:00December 17th, 2011|Church|0 Comments

Zach – Star of the Week!

This week Zach was chosen in his school class to be the “Star of the Week!”  He was SO excited and worked hard on his poster outlining all his interests.  He looked forward the entire weekend to being able to present his poster and to talk to his class.  One of the surprises he got was that Angela went to McDonald’s, picked up lunch, took it along with Ben to school and surprised him!  He got to eat lunch with Mom and Ben!

He loved eating his happy meal, and showing off his little brother to everyone at the table.  Ben is quite the entertainment novelty (just ask his sisters)!  🙂

By |2012-01-04T15:31:15-07:00December 14th, 2011|School|0 Comments

Christmas Carol in Chicago

Today Kirstyn and her school class went to see The Christmas Carol at the Goodman Theater in downtown Chicago.  I was fortunate enough to be a chaperone with her.  We had a great time and really enjoyed the production.  It was pretty funny.

Afterward, the girls all wrote thank you notes to me to tell me how much fun they had and how much fun I was as a chaperone.  How sweet is that?  🙂


By |2012-01-04T15:24:50-07:00December 13th, 2011|School|0 Comments

Collage Concert – Day 2

Tonight, Kirstyn and I went to the second night of the Collage Concert at Metea.  Again, all the groups sounded outstanding and did a GREAT job!  It was a little more relaxing because Kirstyn and I didn’t have to worry about the boys making noise.  🙂  The Severn family in our ward sat by us.  We gave the two extra tickets we had to them.  They enjoyed it very much and were amazed at the talent the kids in the school have.  After the concert, Kirstyn and I came home and then Angela went up herself and volunteered to sell CDs.

By |2011-12-27T06:57:46-07:00December 9th, 2011|Home Life|0 Comments

Technology and Collage Concert – Day 1

Tonight I had a meeting at the district office with a group of administrators, teachers, and parents to talk about the end-user device technology strategy in district.  This is an extension of the technology strategy committee I was on.  It was a very interesting discussion and I am very curious to see not as much what the district adopts, but how it implements it.

I was a little nervous because the meeting went right up until about the time I had to leave to go to the girl’s Collage Concert at Metea.  With the tight schedule, Angela ended up bringing the boys and picking me up from my meeting.  We rushed up there and had a GREAT time at the concert!  The girls did an outstanding job, as well as did all the other groups and small ensembles that performed.  Brittany played her violin, Sarah played her flute, and Sarah also played in a recorder quartet.  🙂  Who would have thought those annoying recorders in elementary school could sound so good!  🙂  The boys did a great job sitting quiet and letting themselves be entertained.  We were quite surprised they did as well as they did!

The picture above was after the concert as we were not allowed to take pictures during the concert.

Great job girls!  We only could have 4 tickets each night, so Kirstyn stayed home.  Tomorrow I get to take her and go to the second night of the concert.

By |2011-12-27T06:45:03-07:00December 8th, 2011|School|0 Comments

Honors Concert and Driving!

Tonight, Kirstyn had her Still Middle School honors concert with all the top performing groups.  She played her clarinet wonderfully well.  She wishes she was also in the Honors Chorus, but that’s OK.  She’s doing a great job with band, and if she was in Honors Chorus too, she would be going to school early almost every single morning.  😐

After the concert, they had a big punch and cookie reception which the boys liked MUCH better than the actual concert itself.  🙂

While the concert was going on, Brittany was out driving with her instructor for the first time!  😐  She was excited but SUPER nervous and couldn’t stop pacing around the house talking about it.  She went a sheet of white when the guy came to the door and rang the doorbell.  In talking with her afterward, she said that she didn’t need to be that nervous and it wasn’t that bad.  🙂  She’ll get the hang of it and with practice, will end up being a good driver (as long as we can get her to keep the music off in the car while driving)!  🙂

By |2011-12-27T06:36:38-07:00December 6th, 2011|Home Life, School|0 Comments

Primary Christmas Breakfast

This morning, the Primary held it’s Christmas Breakfast for all the kids.  Angela and I took Kirstyn, Zach, and Ben and we had a great time.  I had to leave with Kirstyn part way through to take her up to her EEP program and then I came back.  The boys had a great time and they sang the Little Drummer Boy song for all the adults there.  Santa Claus then came and the boys were really excited!

It’s funny to hear how their lists change every time you or anyone else asks them!

By |2011-12-26T05:55:53-07:00December 3rd, 2011|Church|0 Comments