Zach’s First Football Game of Season

Today was Zach’s first football game of the season.  Unfortunately, he couldn’t play because of his broken thumb (still not sure I agree with the Doctor).  🙁  He dressed up in full uniform, however because before the game, they had pictures.  I’ll post the team and individual picture when we get them.

Although he didn’t get to play, he won the hard hat award, meaning that he was one of the hardest playing players on the team.  He practiced and scrimmaged this week with a broken thumb and never complained!  The head coach is really great with the kids.  He got two yellow hard hats and put the Packers “G” on it along with stripes. These two hats go out to the kids that are the hardest players for the week.  He also does two “Crunch” bars for those who play hard as well.  He rotates through the kids so that everyone will eventually get the hat and the bar.

We’re so proud of Zach!  He could have just given up and told us that he would stay home from practices and not play the rest of the year, but he didn’t.  He wants to go to every practice, help out where he can, cheer his friends on, and then get out there and play as soon as possible.  🙂  What a great little guy!  And, even though he isn’t doing much at practice, he still tells the coach thanks every time.  🙂

Hang in there Zach!  You’ll be out there and playing soon!