Feed My Starving Children

Today, our Ward went to Feed My Starving Children!  We packed a ton of boxes of food.  I can’t remember how many cases we packed or how many meals were provided, but everyone felt great about their contributions.  This time, I stayed home with Ben.  This was Zach’s first time to go and he was really excited!  He had a blast and wants to go back again soon!  At the facility that we pack the food at, they have a huge wall where they pin up shirts donated by people who come (business logos, etc.).  Angela took a “Mormon Helping Hands” yellow shirt up there and gave it to them after we had finished our packing job.  They were very appreciative and will post it up on their wall (hopefully next to the Grant Thornton one)!  🙂

I didn’t hear where the food we packed today will go, but no matter where, we saved some lives today!  🙂  What a great feeling!