Zoo and First Football Practice

Today, Kirstyn, Zach, and Ben went to Phillips Park (and the Zoo) with Angela.  They had a GREAT time playing in the park, getting wet, and really enjoying themselves.

After getting worn out by all the playing at the zoo, Zach had his first football practice, with me as an assistant coach!  We have a few who played last year on our team, but most are brand new players who are very excited to play football.  The kids have a lot of energy, so that will make up for them being on the small side (again)!  🙂  We have a small (in numbers) tam as well so we hope that some will be added as the pre-season practices go along.  I’m really looking forward to it!

Football takes a lot more discipline than soccer does, so I hope I’ll have the patience that I need!  🙂