Stake Youth Conference @ Nauvoo!

Over the last 3 days, Sarah and Brittany were able to participate in a wonderful Stake Youth Conference in Nauvoo.  It is great having Nauvoo so close!  🙂  They went down with a couple hundred youth and leaders and spent the time learning about church history, dancing, and the highlight:  doing baptisms in the temple.

The stake leaders decided that they would make this youth conference all about family history so all the youth were challenged to come up with their own names of family and friends to take to the temple.  We don’t have any that we know of due to very diligent grandparents, parents, and other relatives, so we asked the Raketic family if we could do their names.  They were very willing to let us do this, so she provided all the information that she had.  We did all the prep work and submitted them for doing the temple work.  Brittany and  Sarah were able to be baptized for all the names we prepared, which included Tracy’s parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents.  What an awesome experience!

Overall, our ward had about 600 names (I think) that we all need to finish the work for, so we are going to take this on as a ward project for the next year-and-a-half.  This should be an amazing experience!

Overall the girls loved it!  They came home pretty excited and couldn’t talk enough about it!