Daily Archives: June 7, 2011

Playing with the Firemen!

Today, Ben and Zach saw the Aurora Fire Department testing out the fire hydrant in our yard and could not resist going out to check things out!  The firemen were really nice and let them hang around.  Then they got a picture with Ben and Zach!  Quite funny!

After that, Ben told me he wanted to be like the guys he got his picture taken with!  Starting early, every little boy wants to be a firefighter at some time or another!  🙂

By |2011-07-22T10:55:12-07:00June 7th, 2011|Home Life|0 Comments

Last Day of School!

Yea!  It is finally here!  The last day of school was today and the kids were VERY excited to be done!

Sarah and Brittany have been wanting to be done for quite some time.  This year was pretty hard for them and they were tired!  I think we are excited to have Zach done to protect his teacher from him!  🙂  He had a little bit of a rough year with some behavior and attention problems, but his teacher did a GREAT job in helping him this year, so we hope that next year brings some more positive results!  Kirstyn was the one who we think could have kept going.  She loved school this year, had a great time, and got great grades!  Angela is gearing up for a summer with lots of activities and lots of bodies running around the house making lots of  noise!


By |2011-08-01T05:19:57-07:00June 7th, 2011|School|0 Comments