Crazy, Busy, and Hectic Day!

Today was an absolute crazy busy day!  Where to start…  Sarah had the ACT today and was very nervous about taking it.  She has been studying and feels ready but still hates taking tests!  She got up early and Angela drove her down to a high school in Plainfield to take the test.  She was gone for about 4 hours.  Meanwhile, I got up early and went down to Joliet for some church training.  When I got back home, I finished up the laundry room cabinets!  Yea!!!  Right in the middle of it, we had a blow-up at work and that took a chunk of the afternoon (because of which, I missed another 2 1/2 hour church training that I was supposed to be at).

Sarah went straight from the ACT (which she said she feels good about) right up to the high school, for a band performance.  As usual, she did a GREAT job and had to hurry and run home after that to finish up her list of chores.  By this point, we were all tired but weren’t done yet!

Tonight, the girls had a fireside they went to at the Naperville Stake Center where the daughter of President Monson spoke to them.  They said it was very good.  Kirstyn came home after that and Sarah and Brittany stayed for a youth dance with multiple stakes.  When it was over, I went and picked them and other friends up and brought them back home.

Whew!  I am emotionally and physically exhausted!  The laundry room is done, however, and looks GREAT!