Open House at Gombert!

Tonight was the Gombert Elementary School Open House.  We have been at that school so many years now, I think we now have the record!  This is our 12th consecutive open house there!  We figured we had 8 more to go before we didn’t have any more kids in elementary school.  I think that we have been at Gombert longer than any other family ever!

Zach had a great time and he showed us everything he was working on.  We were able to spend more time with him because we only have 1 kid at the school!  🙂

We were able to do some timed math practice with him (Angela did great, I hate those things)!  🙂 and have him show us all his artwork.  We are struggling with him a bit in school with some respect issues and talking problems so we had a little chat with his teacher.  He’s not trying hard to be bad, he’s just a boy with a lot of energy.  We are concerned, however and are trying to work with him on his attention skills.  We’re sure he’s going to do better!  We love you Zach!