We had a fun Halloween evening tonight!  The boys were so excited to go out, they were ready as soon as they got home from school!  They looked so cute in their pirate costumes!

We went out around 4:30 to start the candy scavenging, and were out for about 3 hours!  The boys were not cold, they weren’t tired (until the very end), and they got a ton of candy.  For awhile, we went out with our neighbor and his two boys.

Kirstyn also went out with Ashley and they had a fun time as well.  They weren’t out for as long as we were, but they got a ton of candy as well. Brittany went out late with one of her friends but we didn’t get any pictures of her.  🙁

Unfortunately, Sarah had to work, but we did get a picture of her in her witch hat there at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory!  🙂

When we finished up and the boys had their fill of candy, we sorted and bagged everything to be “rationed” out in the future.  If we didn’t do that, the candy would be gone the next day!  🙂

Happy Halloween everybody!