Today was Zach’s last football game.  He was sad that the season was over.  We as the coaches are kind of relieved but we will really miss the kids.  It’s been a fun season!

Tonight we had our Ward’s Trunk-or-Treat activity.  Everyone got dressed up in their costumes and we went to eat some food, enjoy our friends, and let the kids get some candy.  Angela, the boys, and I were pirates.  Kirstyn was a flapper girl from the 20’s, and Sarah and Brittany were princesses.

The dinner went very well and there was a ton of food to be eaten.  We filled right up and then the kids went upstairs to go through the Young Men’s Haunted Hallway.  The Young Men did a GREAT job with it and the kids loved it.  The only issue was that one of the young men left the smoke machine on for too long, and it set off the fire alarm in the building.  We finally were able to figure out how to turn it off, but the system is monitored, so it triggered a 3-alarm fire alert!  😐  The police arrived first and I told them it was a smoke machine, so he hurried and called off the “other” two fire trucks that were on their way.  One truck came and they inspected the building just in case.  We told the firemen they looked great in their Halloween costumes and offered them candy.  They got a laugh out of that.  🙂  Whew!  The kids all loved the sirens and the truck coming into the parking lot!  That’s a first!

After getting a bunch of candy, we helped clean up a bit and then came home.  Angela and I are tired, but the boys are wired due to all the sugar!  😐