Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

What a wonderful Christmas we had today!  The kids got up early (as usual) and prodded us into getting up as well.  Santa came, and they were excited to see what was brought to them…

Everyone had a blast seeing what they got, playing with toys, and opening presents…

Among other presents, Zach got an art kit and supplies that he really wanted (he’s quite the budding artist), Ben got Legos (go figure), Kirstyn got music and dance-related stuff (go figure there as well), and Brittany got stuff for college!  🙂  The big present we got this year was our new house, which we absolutely LOVE!  🙂

One of the best presents of all, however, was that our family got to talk to Sarah today!

We got to talk for about 30-40 minutes and it was so much fun to hear her voice and see how she was doing!  After we talked and got the low-down from her on what was going on, each of us got to talk to her individually.  What a sweetheart she is.  She’s working so hard and trying so hard to be the best she can be.  We’re so proud of her!

Merry Christmas everyone!