Window Well Scare!

Today we had a BIG scare!  Ben and  Zach were out on the patio shoveling off snow to make a fort, and Ben tripped and fell backward into our window well!  🙁  It was about a 6-7 foot drop.  Fortunately he landed on his backside but he hit his head on either the window or the concrete side of the well when he fell.  He was really dizzy and couldn’t stand up.  We finally got him pulled out of the well and he was complaining about his ear hurting.  We took off his hood and hat and his ear was bleeding pretty bad!  We ran him ASAP to the emergency room in the hospital and after getting him calmed down with some pain medication, they took a scan and found out that he had a slight fracture on his skull right behind his ear, and he also had a concussion.  It could have been MUCH worse, and for that we are thankful!  He was so bundled up, his hat, hood, coat, and snow pants cushioned his fall.

The poor little guys was in a lot of pain but really was a trooper.  The doctors were a little concerned and wanted him to be watched overnight just to make sure everything was OK.  The problem is that at our hospital, they don’t have a pediatric neural unit so they transferred him by ambulance to Children’s Hospital in Aurora.  Ben was SO excited to go on the ambulance!  🙂  Angela rode with him up there.  He didn’t make it very far before he completely fell asleep.  🙂

They are up at the hospital right now and I’ll go get them tomorrow morning.  It sounds like Ben is doing well!

The frustrating thing is that the window well covers were the next major expense we had on the list after the back yard got done.  We hadn’t had time to get the quotes and get them installed.  Guess what each of the 4 kids at home are getting this year for Christmas?  Yep, a window well cover for each!  🙂

We’re praying for your quick recovery Ben!