Monthly Archives: December 2013


Ward Christmas Breakfast

This morning the girls, Ben and I went to the Ward Christmas Breakfast and had a great time!  During the night, Zach woke up sick and throwing up, so Angela stayed home with him.  From the Facebook posts and everything about Ben, he was quite the celebrity this morning.  Everyone wanted to know how he was doing and gave him big hugs.

The program was wonderful and we brought home a huge breakfast plate for Angela which she was excited to get!  🙂

What an end to an absolutely CRAZY week!  Hopefully next week will be a little quieter!

By |2014-02-15T07:03:09-07:00December 7th, 2013|Church, Home Life|0 Comments

Ben Home from Hospital!

Great news!  Ben is going to be just fine!  I went to Children’s Hospital today and  picked up Ben and Angela.  He’s doing MUCH better and has that cute smile back on his face.  The doctors say he can’t do any jumping, sledding, going outside on the ice or anything for at least 2 months.  He’s not too happy about that, but he doesn’t have a choice.  On the way home, we stopped by Smart Cow and got him frozen yoghurt with all the toppings he wanted for being so brave.

He was so cute!  While at Smart Cow, he wrote Ben loves Mom and Dad on the table and was so happy!  We are very relieved that he is going to be OK.  Our prayers were definitely answered.

By |2014-02-15T06:59:10-07:00December 5th, 2013|Home Life|0 Comments

Window Well Scare!

Today we had a BIG scare!  Ben and  Zach were out on the patio shoveling off snow to make a fort, and Ben tripped and fell backward into our window well!  🙁  It was about a 6-7 foot drop.  Fortunately he landed on his backside but he hit his head on either the window or the concrete side of the well when he fell.  He was really dizzy and couldn’t stand up.  We finally got him pulled out of the well and he was complaining about his ear hurting.  We took off his hood and hat and his ear was bleeding pretty bad!  We ran him ASAP to the emergency room in the hospital and after getting him calmed down with some pain medication, they took a scan and found out that he had a slight fracture on his skull right behind his ear, and he also had a concussion.  It could have been MUCH worse, and for that we are thankful!  He was so bundled up, his hat, hood, coat, and snow pants cushioned his fall.

The poor little guys was in a lot of pain but really was a trooper.  The doctors were a little concerned and wanted him to be watched overnight just to make sure everything was OK.  The problem is that at our hospital, they don’t have a pediatric neural unit so they transferred him by ambulance to Children’s Hospital in Aurora.  Ben was SO excited to go on the ambulance!  🙂  Angela rode with him up there.  He didn’t make it very far before he completely fell asleep.  🙂

They are up at the hospital right now and I’ll go get them tomorrow morning.  It sounds like Ben is doing well!

The frustrating thing is that the window well covers were the next major expense we had on the list after the back yard got done.  We hadn’t had time to get the quotes and get them installed.  Guess what each of the 4 kids at home are getting this year for Christmas?  Yep, a window well cover for each!  🙂

We’re praying for your quick recovery Ben!

By |2014-02-15T06:55:54-07:00December 4th, 2013|Home Life|0 Comments

AVA Choir Caroling and Friends in Castle Rock

Yesterday, we got to see the Pocock family who we got to be friends with in Naperville.  They decided to move out west and are looking to move to Castle Rock or somewhere close by!  🙂  Ben and their son Jake are really good buddies and Ben can’t be more excited!  They came over yesterday before going back to Illinois.  They will most likely be moving out here right after Christmas!

Today Zach and his Aspen View Academy school choir went to a nearby assisted living center named Bonaventure and caroled for the residents there.  They had a GREAT time and I got to go and help chaperone the group.

At first, they sang in the main atrium to a group gathered there.  Then they went to another wing and sang to those who were not quite so mobile.  Zach really enjoyed it and loves singing.  They then went back to Aspen View and had hot chocolate with marshmallows.  We weren’t quite sure which was their favorite part, singing or the hot chocolate.  Either way, they provided a great act of service to the community.

By |2014-02-03T07:16:24-07:00December 3rd, 2013|School|0 Comments

Baby Blessing and Return Home

Today we got up REALLY early in Salmon and left (5:30am) to drive down to Rexburg for the blessing of Mark and Jocelyn’s baby Paxton.  Leaving that early from Salmon requires everyone to keep on the lookout for deer and elk darting out in the middle of the road.  It is somewhat nerve-racking as in the pitch black, it’s like you are driving in a tunnel and can’t see off to the side very well.  Fortunately for us, we didn’t see any wildlife near the road and got down to Rexburg without incident.

The blessing was very nice. It’s hard to realize that Mark, who was born after Angela and I were married, is now blessing his own little baby boy.  Crazy!

After the blessing we started the long 10 or so hour drive home.  Everything was uneventful until we got down to I-80 at about Rawlins.  The wind really picked up and there were warning signs about 70+ mile-per-hour winds.  It was blowing so hard, the van doors were whistling which we had never experienced before.  It was a crazy drive and was somewhat difficult to keep the van on the road.  We finally made it to Cheyenne and started south, after which the wind died down and we made it home without further issue.  What a crazy evening!

We’re now home and excited to sleep in our own beds!  🙂

By |2014-02-03T07:07:39-07:00December 1st, 2013|Church, Home Life|0 Comments