Sarah Farwell and Brunch!

Today Sarah had her mission farewell talk.  She did a wonderful job, and the good thing was that she already had her talk prepared from when she spoke in Naperville!  🙂  Brittany spoke with her and it was great to hear her words and testimony as well!  The only problem (which, according to the Bishopric had NEVER happened before) was that the microphone didn’t work during Sacrament meeting.  🙁  They had to speak up really loud to be heard.  Thank heaven we were sitting a little closer to the front!  🙂

After church, we had a big lunch together with some friends and family.  There were about 30 people there!  🙂

It’s hard to believe that we only have about 10 days before Sarah goes into the MTC!  We are so excited for her, but will miss her like crazy when she leaves!