Stake Women’s Conference, First Dance, and Prom Invites

Today the Stake held a Women’s Conference, and the girls went with Angela to it.  They had a good time (although the girls didn’t think they would at first).  🙂  They got to know more people from our ward and some from the stake.

Tonight was the highlight of the girl’s week.  After another week getting used to school, they were ready for a break!  They went to their first dance out here in CO.  They had a blast and really enjoyed themselves!  They came home talking up a storm about how much they liked it and about how many people were there compared to the dances in IL.  Good to see some smiles on the girl’s faces.

Zach had a blast his first week of school!  He made some new friends and is really enjoying his new class.  His teacher is very kind too and is working hard to make sure he feels comfortable.  Looks like Zach is adjusting a lot faster to his new environment than the girls are, which makes us very relieved.  We didn’t know what to expect with him.  In addition, we didn’t get any calls from the teacher about his behavior this week, so we’re in good shape!  🙂

Yesterday Brittany decided to ask Reese Graves to Mormon Prom.  Reese is the son of Steve Graves who works for me.  The family is also in our ward.  She made him two big chocolate chip cookies (pizza-sized) with the invitation on them.  She delivered them and he was pretty excited as those are his favorite cookies.  I think his family was more excited about the invitation!  🙂

Today, Brittany found a big “Yes” sign on our garage from Reese.  She is SO excited!

The crazy thing is that this weekend, she also got asked out to the High School prom by Josh Sproul, another young man in our ward.  He gave her roses with the invitation and she was very excited about that too!  Not sure exactly why she is down about being here!  I think at least this weekend, she forgot about the fact that she should be sad that she’s not in IL anymore.

Brittany answered Josh with a big cookie and thanks for the roses as well.  She’s going to have a busy next couple of weeks!  🙂