Seminary Graduation & Sarah Speaks

Today, Sarah had her first “Adult Talk” in church!  🙂  We had all the seniors take 10 minutes and talk on specific topics.  Sarah’s was on “The Glory of God is Intelligence” and she knocked it out of the park!  What a fine young woman she has grown up to be.  We were very impressed!

To add to that, we all went to Seminary Graduation tonight and both Brittany and Sarah were honored.

Brittany got her certificate and Stake President’s Award (for reading, scripture mastery memorization, attendance, and such).  She also led the music for the graduation which she was VERY nervous for, but did an outstanding job!  🙂

Sarah graduated from Seminary with her 4 year certificate and also received the Stake President’s Award.  She also received the very prestigious “Anchor Award” for having received the Stake President’s Award all 4 years.  What an outstanding achievement!

We are so proud of the girls for their dedication to Seminary.  They never complained about going to Seminary, although there were a few mornings where they complained about getting up!  🙂  They always said that having Seminary in the morning helped them have a better day.  As parents, we love to hear that!  🙂

Great job Sarah and Brittany!  You guys are awesome!