Beauty and the Beast at Metea

Tonight Sarah played in the pit for Metea’s production of Beauty and the Beast.  She was so excited to have the opportunity her senior year to participate in the musical, and also have the chance to play music for one of her favorite Disney movies.  I took Zach, Ben, and Kirstyn and we had a GREAT time!  Ben and Zach were totally enthralled by the music and the costumes, and were VERY well behaved.

While I was at the musical with the 3 little ones, Angela and Brittany were at a wedding reception for some friends of ours.  Brittany was asked to help out, and Angela pitched in as well.  They had a great time.  Angela and Brittany are going to go tomorrow night to the production since they missed tonight.

Sarah and the pit sounded GREAT and they did an awesome job!  Way to go Sarah!