Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

This morning we got up early, got dressed for church, and then all went down to see what Santa had brought!  It is always fun to see the excitement on the kid’s faces on Christmas morning.  They love to be happy and we love it when they’re happy!

I think the kids were all excited about the stuff they got.  Angela got a laptop and I got a digital SLR camera which both of us are VERY excited about!  The family got a new Wii to replace our broken one, Sarah got money for college :-), Brittany finally got a new mp3 player, Kirstyn got some DS games and other stuff, and the boys were very excited about their Bat Cave (shown above)!

I think it’s wonderful that Christmas falls on a Sunday this year.  After enjoying the Santa presents, we all jumped in the car and went to Church.  We only had Sacrament meeting this week, but boy was it wonderful!  The choir sang a bunch of musical numbers (all three girls sang in the choir), and Sarah had a full-song solo.  She was so nervous about it because practice wasn’t going as well as she wanted.  They added Brittany and and another choir member to do a beautiful backup, and it turned out AMAZING!  Sarah was so beautiful up there singing.  It brought tears to our eyes (although some of these tears were ones of relief that it went well)!  🙂  It’s wonderful that on Christmas Day, we can more fully remember Christ in our activities.

As soon as we got home from church, on came the pajamas and we then opened the presents from family and from each other.

We had all kinds of fun and got some really fun and cool things!  Angela’s sister-in-law made us all aprons which was really cool!  We needed those to keep all that food off of our clothes when cooking!  🙂

We then spent the rest of the day enjoying each other’s company, playing games together, enjoying our new presents, and doing not much else!  🙂  What a relaxing time!  We have been so blessed this year in all ways (spiritually, temporally, physically, etc.).  For that we are very thankful!

Merry Christmas everyone!