BYU Visit and BBQ

Today we left early and drove down to Provo for a BYU campus visit.  It’s hard to believe that Sarah will be a Junior next year and will be applying to college!  YIKES!  Sarah worked on her resume and we set up a visit with an admissions counselor and a BYU campus tour for both her and Brittany.  My mom and dad came down with us and watched the rest of the kids while Angela and I were with the girls.  There is so much that has changed since Angela and I attended there.  For one thing, it’s MUCH harder to get in than it once was.  Your GPA and ACT have to be much higher and you have to really work to distinguish yourself.  I think that both Sarah and Brittany came away with a renewed determination to do better in school!  🙂

The campus tour was great and Angela and I were able to tell stories to the girls of the things we did while we were there.  The tour guide thought that was great (although I think the girls thought we were a little weird)!  🙂  This time we were the “important ones” being driven around campus in a cart!  🙂  Angela and I used to envy those folks when we saw them!  🙂  Another funny thing was that the name of our tour guide was James Sullivan.  I wanted to ask him if his middle initial was P (the name of the big blue monster  in Monster’s Inc.)!  🙂  We had a laugh over this.

After the tour, we had a complementary lunch in the Canon center cafeteria at Helaman Halls (where I stayed my first semester at BYU).  It was totally different than when I ate there.  They have remodeled the entire place and now it’s like a food court!  We ate until we were stuffed and then met my mom and dad along with Greg and Lisa (brother and sister-in-law) at the Wilkinson Center where we cruised around the bookstore, bought some gifts, and had fun.

We then drove down to Spanish Fork to my brother’s house where we relaxed for the afternoon and then had a BBQ.  It was fun to see their new house and to spend time with them.  We didn’t leave until about 8:30 or so and got home pretty late (about a 2 hour drive to Ogden).

Overall, the girls are very excited about the opportunities they would have at BYU Provo.  They have always wanted to go there, and now they have an idea of what it will take.  They also know what it will take to get scholarships!  🙂