Sarah Got Her Driver’s License!

Oh no!  Stay off the sidewalks!  Sarah got her drive’s license today!  She’s official now and doesn’t need us in the car anymore!  Angela took her over to the DMV today and was really worried.  Sarah was pretty worried about a couple of things that she hadn’t practiced enough on, but things went very well.  The instructor that gave her the driving test was actually really cool and Sarah said it was fun!   He took Sarah and then assured Angela that everything would be fine and they left!  🙂 

Sarah said the driving test was really easy and she only hit the curb once while she was demonstrating up- and downhill parking.  Her big concern was backing around corners, because if you hit the curb, it’s an automatic fail.  She did it well and passed with flying colors!

For us, that means 2 things:  1) We don’t have to cart Sarah around to everything she needs to go to, and 2) we have to shell out a bunch of money for insurance now!  😐

Oh well, if Sarah can get herself to things without us always having to take her everywhere (especially with Brittany to Seminary in the fall, we are happy about it)!  Congratulations, Sarah!  Great job!