RLF Session 5 – Wonderful Learning Experience

During the past two days,  I participated in session #5 of the Regional Leadership Forum (RLF) I have been attending all this year.  As usual, the agenda and activites were phenominal.  It was a little lighter for me because this time, I didn’t have to present on any books like the last session we had.  Even though this set of books was not my favorite, we had wonderful discussions about them.


We also had the guy who helped found SIM (Society for Information Management) and the RLF come and speak to us.  There was so much he gave us it was hard to digest it all.  Fortunately, over the past 5 sessions, I have taken almost 100 pages of notes!  🙂

Last night, we had a group activity on the St. Charles Q Center campus where we all played Frisbee Golf.  It was a LOT of fun.  We followed that up with a nacho bar and open bar for drinks.  The water and Sprite tasted great!  🙂

It’s hard to believe that yet another session is over.  We only have one session left in September before we all meet in Seattle in November for the SIMposium and our graduation.  That will be sad, as I have met some incredible people during this past year that I will never forget.  We have become a very close group and have stayed in touch quite a bit between sessions.