Today we had curriculum night for both the elementary and the middle school.  They goofed on the timing, so Angela and I had to split up.  I went to the elementary and she went to the middle school.  Both principals were very apologetic about the mix-up on timing.  Anyway, it was fun to go to both Zachary’s and Kirstyn’s classrooms to see their teachers and learn about the changes this year.  We are excited for this year.  Both Zachary’s and Kirstyn’s teachers are repeat teachers for us.  Kirstyn had Zachary’s teacher, Miss Kalvaitis, and both Sarah and Brittany both had Kirstyn’s teacher, Mrs. Gudgeon.  Mrs. Gudgeon told us to apologize profusely to Kirstyn because she keeps calling her Brittany!  🙂

It was fun for Angela to meet Brittany’s teachers as well.  Mr. DeFarno she had  before, and Ms. Yu and Mrs.  Scott are new to the school.  They all seem very good.  I ran over and joined Angela for the very last presentation at the middle school after I finished up at the elementary.  Crazy night!  With all the changes (new high school and new middle school opening), the population at Brittany’s school is now down from 1150 to 780 or something like that!  It is so much of a more relaxing feel at the school than last year.  They have a new principal who we also met and were very impressed by both her and the two assistant principals.

It looks like our tax dollars are a little harder at work than they were last year.  We are very thankful for that!