Today Kirstyn got signed-up to go to EFY at BYU Provo!  Turns out they are not doing the stay-at-home EFY like they did last year and in years past due to lack of participation, so we had to find another place.  She is SO excited to go (first week of June) and will be going with Ashley Smith from our old ward in Naperville!  You’ll have a BLAST Kirstyn!  🙂

On Sunday, Ben got a crayon (twist type) stuck in his ear and he wouldn’t let us get it out.  He wouldn’t even let the doctor touch his ear, so today we had to take him to the hospital to be totally put out so they could take 30 seconds and pull it out.  Crazy.  They took a pic of him in the hospital before his “surgery”…

Everything went well with him and he was in and out in about 5 minutes.  Ben will hopefully learn from this that he shouldn’t stick stuff in his ears!  🙂