Over the past few days, we have been in Salmon, Idaho with family!  We left on the 27th, and came home today.  We went up there to support Mom and Dad Hobbs as they gave their mission farewell talk in church.  We knew we wouldn’t be able to see them again for a long time, so we made long trek out (not as long as it would have been had we still been in Illinois)!  🙂  We left at 3:30am and arrived in Salmon at about 4pm that afternoon.  It was great to see everyone!

While up there, we had a birthday party for Trevyn (David and Gina’s son), and enjoyed each other’s company.

On Sunday, Mom and Dad Hobbs gave GREAT talks and we all enjoyed listening to them.  I think we almost doubled the congregation size with all of the family members there supporting them!  🙂  Whenever we go anywhere as an extended family, we really bring the crowd!  After church, we went out to Carla’s and Scott’s house and had a big dinner.  There had to have been at least 100 people there off and on.

We ate until we were stuffed, had a great time again with family, and all wished Mom and Dad best of luck on their mission.  They go into the MTC in January for the Angeles Philippines Mission.  The next morning, we started the conclusion of our whirlwind trip by heading back home.  We arrived home today at about 7 and are totally exhausted from the driving.  Overall, we drove 24 hours and spent 48 in Salmon.  🙂  Oh well, not a problem… We love spending time with family and supporting them in their life events!  Life is all about families and that’s where we want to spend our time.

Best of luck Mom and Dad!  You’ll do GREAT!