Today was the boys first day of school at Clear Sky Elementary.  It was also Ben’s first day of elementary school as a new Kindergartner!  😐  That’s the last first day of Kindergarten we’ll ever have for one of our own!  🙁  We were feeling really old today!  Ben was a bit nervous to go but was excited as well.

When they got to school, Angela walked Ben into class.  We didn’t know about specific traditions, like the kids all getting there early on the first day of school, so Ben was early to school but a little late getting into his class with everyone else.  He jumped right in and looked like he was going to have a GREAT time!  Zach hit the ground running as a new 4th grader with no snags and we know he’ll do great too!

Kindergarten is full day but only on Monday, Wednesday, and every other Friday here.  You have to pay extra for full-day every day Kindergarten.  That makes things nice because it saves Angela having to make extra trips to the school!  🙂  The boys got out right on time and were really excited to tell us all about their first day!

They can’t wait for tomorrow!  As a reward, Angela let them hang around the park by the school for awhile and play, which was a good thing.  It got a lot of their excess energy out for when they got home!  🙂  Great first day boys!