Today, Sarah had her “Missionary Farewell” talk in Sacrament meeting.  She did such an incredible job and we are so proud of her!  She has come a long way since her first 2 minute talk that she gave when she was 12!  Kirstyn also got to speak as well and did an outstanding job also!  I got released from the Bishopric today which was very sad, but because of that, I got to hear the girls speak from in front, and not behind, so I could hear them better!  🙂

Tonight Alan and Julie Thompson threw us a going away party at their house for all the ward members and friends to come.  There were a bunch that showed up, and it was great to see the love that our friends have for our family (or maybe they just came to see if it really was real that we were moving and can’t wait)!  🙂  We will really miss our friends!  That is the one thing about Illinois that is great which we will miss the most.  The people here are wonderful and we have felt so at home.  After all 18 years of knowing people really gets you attached to them.

It’s really hard to think about moving right now, although we are super excited to do it.  Everyone has a new chapter in their lives going on right now…  Sarah going on a mission, the family moving, others in the ward we found out may be or will be moving, etc.  It’s crazy!  We just hope that we can stay in touch with many of them.  🙁  Sniff sniff…