Today was a very pivotal day in the life of the Halliday family.  We made the final decision that we are going to move.  I still have to talk to my Director and hopefully he’ll be good with it.  If so, we’ll put the house on the market in 2 weeks and look to move at the end of March or the first part of April!  Yikes!  It’s taken us about 5 years of thinking and praying about this to finally feel that now is the right time.

We told the kids today and they had mixed emotions.  They are excited (and Brittany has been the most excited in times past when we talked about it), but now Brittany has a “boyfriend” and she is bumming.  I’m sure she’ll be just fine.  The boys were REALLY exicted, Kirstyn was so-so, and Sarah was excited for us but a little mad because depending on when we move and when she gets her mission call, she may not have a farewell here!  😐

Exciting times!