Tonight we had Standards Night at the church.  Hopefully the kids enjoyed it.  It never ceases to amaze me the difference in the written questions or responses we get from the kids prior to the event.  This year, we asked all the kids to make a list of the top 10 things they are looking for in a spouse.  As usual (with the exception of the 2 or 3 more mature young men), most of the answers were totally surface things like hot, rich, and they even went to great lengths to write down things like “wont’ touch my stuff” and “imported from Russia.”  😐  The YW on the other hand (as usual) took it more seriously and gave some great things.  When we discussed this together, I think it made the Young Men a little uncomfortable (no names were mentioned) when we read what they had written vs. what the young women had written.  🙂