Tonight we had a tri-ward carnival at the church.  Every year we have an activity with all the other wards in the building in hopes that the youth will continue to work on building relationships with each other.  It was a lot of fun!  We had a GREAT DJ blasting out a bunch of good music.  Thank heavens we got a permit for this because some of the neighbors complained and the police came over to see what we were doing.  🙂  They were just fine with everything and thought the neighbors were really dumb for complaining at 7:30 that it was too late to have music going.  🙂

They had all kinds of games (including two fields of Human Foosball), and served ton of food.   Brittany just got her wisdom teeth out a couple of days ago so she couldn’t eat much of the food at all.  She looks like a cute little chipmunk!