Today was a fun day.  Although Zach’s team lost, they played the Broncos (Zach’s old team from last year).  It was fun to see all the kids he played with last year, as well as Coach Tim and the other coaches.

Tonight, we had our Stake Roadshow performances at the Naperville Stake Center.  It was a hoot to watch them.  Our ward’s performance was one of the better ones and the kids had a blast doing it.  The olio’s were also pretty funny as well.  There are a lot of talented kids (and kids who aren’t afraid to get in front of others and act crazy) in our stake.  The theme of the night was Bedtime Stories.  Our ward’s performance was around reading “For the Strength of Youth” and Rapunzel (Denzel), Beauty and the Beast, Finding Nemo (Nema), and others.  We hope to get a DVD of the performances soon.

I tried to get some pictures, but we were a ways away and with our small camera, it was too dark.  I only got one of Sarah that turned out blurry but recognizable…

Sarah played Nema’s mom and they were dressed up like clownfish.  🙂  Brittany was a cute pink fish and had her face painted up as well.  Kirstyn was one of Rapunzel’s (Denzel’s) flock of girls who thought he was really cute.  🙂  I guess you really had to be there to understand.  🙂   I’ll try and get some better pictures posted.

Great job girls!