This morning, we got up early and started on our way back home.  We drove down to Provo and picked up Sarah and Brittany from EFY.  They had a great time and had a lot to talk about.  They really enjoyed it there.  They liked their roommates and their groups of kids they were with.  They had some great spiritual experiences as well which was great for them. Below are some pictures of their groups and counselors:

Zach was pretty excited, because they bought him a BYU hat for his birthday!  🙂

We then started the LONG drive home.  We’re used to the flat Midwest farmland that we have lived in for the past 16 years, but when we come back West, it sure is nice to be in the mountains.  We sure will miss them!

We made it well into Nebraska before we stopped for the night.  We were planning on starting home on Sunday, but now we will get home on Sunday and have all day Monday to relax and get ready for the week.