Today we had a very busy day!  We got up early, ate breakfast, and then the boys and I wandered a round the ski village for awhile.  We took lots of pictures and had a great time!  Too bad we couldn’t have spent more time there, got day passes, and then went on the alpine slide, the alpine roller coaster, the zipline, climbed the rock wall, etc.

After we explored, everyone took the bus into Park City downtown and we wandered around for awhile, enjoying the day.  We ran a little late, hurried and ate lunch, packed up, and left for our drive to Idaho.  Along the way, we stopped in Bountiful and saw Angela’s Grandma.  She seemed to be doing well, especially for over 90 years old!  🙂

We finally arrived at Downata Hot Springs in the late afternoon and pitched our tents (no one is SUPER excited about tenting it in the heat).  We were able to put up two tents, one for the girls, and one for the rest of us.  It worked out really well.  Now we just have to endure the heat!  🙂  Fortunately, it’s not too humid, so we’ll take that.

After settling in, Angela and her sisters decided that they wanted to run a 5k together.  They had this planned, but it wasn’t supposed to be until tomorrow morning.  They figured if they waited, they probably wouldn’t do it.  We all piled into one of the trucks and drove out to the starting line and dropped the girls off.  We would drive ahead some, and wait for them to catch up, cheering them on as they ran.

When they finally arrived back, they were totally wiped out, hot, and sweaty, but happy that they did it.  For Carla, this was her very first 5k!  Great job ladies!  We hope to sleep well tonight due to the heat…