Today was a pretty busy day!  The boys had an Easter egg hunt with some friends (Kirstyn helped out as well).   They got loaded up on candy and had fun playing at the park as well.

After Zach got back from the egg hunt, he and I went to the Kane County Cougars baseball game together.  He completed another year of the Ozzie Reading Club and got a free ticket to go, along with a free hot dog and drink, and an Ozzie’s Reading Club t-shirt.  🙂  We go there early and participated in the Ozzie parade.  We got to go down on the field and parade around the perimeter, after which the players came out and signed autographs for all the kids.  Zach got to have Ozzie sign his shirt and get a picture with him…

We had a great time eating food (Zach’s favorite part was the big bag of Red Vines that we bought).  We were full by the time we left!  🙂  We ate our hot dogs, drank our drinks, and watched a great game!  A bunch of Zach’s friends were there, and we saw many others that we know from school.  Fortunately, we were not along the right field line where most of the foul balls are hit.  That makes me nervous whenever I go to a game with the kids.  Instead, we were right behind home plate and had great seats!  🙂