Today was an exciting day for Sarah!  She went tonight to the Priest/Laurel dance (i.e. Mormon Prom) at the Naperville Stake Center.  They had to have tickets and everything.  A group of them got together (6 girls and 1 guy) and had a blast.  Sarah looked stunning in her formal dress and her hair done all up!  🙂  I hate the fact that she is getting so old and that this next year will be her last at home!  🙁

They all met at one of the girl’s homes and went out to TGI Friday’s for dinner.  Angela and I had a date night tonight as well (dinner and a movie) and it just so happened that where we went was right by the place they went for dinner.  Angela and a couple of the women went over to see the kids and took some pictures.

They all had a blast at the dance and enjoyed being with one another. They ate great food, danced a bunch and came home really happy!  🙂

The thing that really kills me (OK, I’m jumping on my soapbox now) is that this dance was meant to be a “prom-like” experience for the kids.  They are supposed to get dates and go.  Instead, true to the form of the weirdness of the kids today, they all go in groups and “hang out” which really bugs me.  Hardly anyone comes with a date.  Gone are the days of dating like it used to be.  If you try to date many people and just have a fun time, you get labeled with derogatory terms.  Also, if you ask someone out, it now means that you are “together” and are not available for anyone else to ask you out.  What a STUPID concept!  The kids today are becoming totally unable to socially interact in a one-on-one situation, texting has replaced face-to-face communication, and people don’t know how to talk anymore.  Not much I can do about it except tell our kids that if they stand up to their principles and make good choices, if they date a lot of people, they won’t get “labeled” because people will know better (at least the ones that matter).