Tonight we had a GREAT (but very cold) night!  We went with our friends, the Thompson family, out to dinner and then to Brookfield Zoo to see the Christmas decorations and light shows there before they took them down for the season.  It was freezing but we had a great time!  It was down in the single digits when we go there and we had to bundle up!

We first saw a guy doing ice sculptures and they were pretty amazing!  He had bare hands while doing it and we told him he was nuts!  His creations were cool though…

After that, we walked around the zoo, saw all the lights, and went in a bunch of the animal houses (when we were numb and needed to thaw out)!  🙂  When everyone went into one of the places, I took Ben over to the kids area, went inside, and painted his face.  He thought that was MUCH cooler than looking at animals!  🙂

Right before we left, we all went inside and got some hot chocolate to warm up our insides.  We were pretty cold but had a great time!  On our way out, we took a picture of all the kids by the Bookfield Zoo lion statue.

We’re pretty tired now and will sleep very well tonight, I think!