Today was a busy day that took us in all different directions!  Angela took Zach to football practice, then dropped Brittany off at the church for our semi-annual youth temple trip.   She was very excited.  I was bummed that I wouldn’t be able to go this time.  While Angela had Zach at practice and was watching after Ben, I took Kirstyn and we went up to see Sarah perform in her first band concert of the year (Angela gets to go to the Orchestra concert while I do the football duty in the next week or so).  🙂

Sarah did a great job!  One of the highlights for her is that she gets to wear a solid black dress instead of the black pants, tux shirt, bowtie and cummerbund that she had to wear last year.  She looks more “professional” in the new outfit.  🙂  They played great and she had a piccolo solo that she nailed!

You can’t see Sarah very well from the picture above (only the top of her head on the far right).  🙂  They were warming up in this picture.  She has been practicing more lately which makes us happy!  Maybe we’ll put her back into lessons if she keeps practicing.  She wants to have lessons again, but $170 per month with no practicing is not worth it to us.  Keep up the great work, Sarah!  🙂