Today was the big day!  We picked up Carmen from the airport!  She is such a sweet girl!  She has only been with us for a few hours, but we feel very blessed to have her in our home!  She’s all smiles, very polite, and is ready and eager to jump into the life we lead.  She even brought us all gifts from Spain!  The girls are excited to wear the jewelry she gave them, Zach loves his little “snake box,” Ben adores his new stuffed animal, and Kirk and Angela love the jewelry box and organizer!  What a sweet gesture!  As if that wasn’t enough, she even offered to help wash the dishes after dinner!  🙂  That had the girls excited!

carmen-and-the-girls-2009-smSarah took her down to the basement and together they played DDR on the  Wii for a while.  Even though we knew she was exhausted from the trip, she never let on that she wanted to sleep. 

carmen-and-sarah-ddr-wiiShe’s going to fit into our family just like an additional daughter!  We can’t wait to show her around the area and do a bunch of things as a family with her.  We’ll keep you posted with all we do!