Tonight Kirstyn and Zachary participated in the Gombert Elementary Variety Vortex show!  Zach was a background dancer in  a group number and it was so cute to see him in his shades doing his thing!  🙂  Kirstyn sang “You Belong to Me” by Taylor Swift.  She did a GREAT job!  The music she had was the karaoke version with no melody and no words (just background singers on the chorus).  She is quite the talented little singer.

There were also a couple other kids with some great talent that sang and played the guitar!  So far this week, we have had stuff going on every night and it will continue on tomorrow!  Crazy week!

On another good note, Dad had his open heart surgery and everything went incredibly well!  He was only in for 2 hours and the valve replacement went perfectly.  The doctors couldn’t believe, however, that he made it through his knee and hip replacement surgeries, etc. and survived.  He’s one lucky guy!  All our faith and prayers paid off!  Whew!  He is still at the hospital and in the ICU, but will be moved to normal recovery soon.