After a short night, I got up at 3am, got ready, and met a couple of the group in the lobby of the hotel at 4am for our trip to the airport.  My flight left at 6am (not sure what I was thinking when I booked the flight)!  😐  After sleeping most of the way home and having a very smooth, uneventful flight, drove home and met the family at Sweet Tomatoes for lunch.  The kids were off school today and it was GREAT to see everyone again!  🙂  The kids jumped out of the van and smothered me with hugs!  I guess I’m not such a mean and cruel dad after all!  🙂  Benjamin gave me a huge hug, put his head on my shoulder, and didn’t want to move.  It was so sweet and so I just stood there soaking it in.  🙂

After stuffing ourselves with salad, pizza, mac and cheese, bread, muffins, soup, ice cream, and all sorts of other things, we drove home and relaxed.  I fell immediately asleep and got about an hour before waking back up and enjoying the family!