Brittany High School Graduation

Today was Brittany’s BIG day!  Graduation from High School!  Grandma and Grandpa Halliday came in late last night to participate in the occasion as well so it was good to see them.

The ceremony was at Red Rocks, an absolutely stunning venue where they hold concerts and all kinds of events.  Kirstyn and Brittany got to play in the symphony for the ceremony as well!  🙂  The talks were awesome, and they had great musical performances by students as well.  Very talented folks!

The ceremony was great, although there were some really stupid people there that brought beach balls and were batting them around.  You’d think that you could expect this of students, but it was the parents who brought them.  🙁  Oh well, some people never grow up!  🙂

After the ceremony, we went out to eat at Sweet Tomatoes.  Good thing we had the graduation ceremony when we did!  Just after it was over, we saw some huge storm clouds rolling in from the west while we were eating!  It then started pouring!  I’m sure the group after us got drenched!  🙂