Trunk-or-Treat and Senior Night

Tonight we had trunk-or-treat at the church and had a great time!  There were a few Captain America costumes there, and one of Ben’s good friends dressed up like that as well!  🙂

There was a pumpkin carving contest tonight as well.  Zach came up with this crazy idea of having the “Halliday Haunted Hotel” which lots of people loved!  It took a long time for us to put together, but we got it done and brought it over.  The funny thing was that it WON FIRST PLACE!  Zach got to go up to the front and get his prize which was a huge tub of cheese balls!  🙂

We had a great time with the boys there (the girls couldn’t make it due to a football game and marching band).  Trunk-or-treating here in CO is much different than out in Naperville.  There was one family who actually had a farmer in the dell theme and had a farm in the back of their SUV… live chickens and everything!  🙂  It was really funny.

We had to leave a little bit early because tonight was senior night at the game and they recognized all the seniors, both football and band.  It wasn’t like the senior night that we had at Metea, where they have each person recognized in front of everyone with his or her parents, but they do recognize the senior by name and applaud for them.

GREAT JOB Brittany!  You are awesome!  The performance by the Marching Band sounded wonderful tonight!  We all thought it was one of the best we had heard!