Monthly Archives: October 2013


Orchestra Concert

Brittany had her first major orchestra concert tonight and she did a wonderful job.  She’s really good and enjoys playing.  We hope she keeps it up.  🙂

Wonderful job Brittany!  Keep up the great work!  We’re really proud of your accomplishments to be in the top audition orchestra in the school!  🙂

By |2013-12-24T06:48:36-07:00October 8th, 2013|School|0 Comments

Choir Concerts

Mom and Dad Hobbs left early to go home this morning so we’re now back down to just the 5 of us.  🙁  Brittany and Kirstyn had their first full choir concerts of the year tonight and they both did really well.  Brittany is in Versailles and Kirstyn is in Mirinesse, both of which are audition choirs.  Because the auditorium is so small, Brittany had her concert first, and then Kirstyn had hers at a separate time.

We just love listening to the girls sing both with and without their choirs.  They are getting really good and they LOVE to sing!  Kirstyn has made up her mind that she wants to go to college to become a middle school choir teacher!  🙂  That’s a far cry from the Architectural Engineer at MIT she wanted to be a couple of years ago.  🙂

Great job girls!

By |2013-12-24T06:44:34-07:00October 7th, 2013|School|0 Comments

Busy Weekend!

Yesterday Brittany and Kirstyn had MB competition.  It was cold and windy!  They sounded really good but were the first ones to go when it was so cold.  They placed next to last of 12 bands.  Band director obviously not happy, but they learned a lot.  All of us parents thought they sounded awesome!  🙂

Mom and Hobbs are here as well and it’s great to have them staying with us!  General Conference was this weekend as well and Dad got to come to Priesthood Session with me.  Even though it was broadcast on BYU TV this year, we still went to the church.

Homecoming for Thunderridge High School was last night and Brittany went with Taylor.  She looked really pretty.  I’m trying to find a picture but since it wasn’t here, we didn’t get any.  She had a blast and when she came home, she talked and talked, and talked!  Those two are becoming closer and are almost at boyfriend/girlfriend status, although Angela and I keep saying their just friends.  🙂

Today we watched General Conference together and between sessions, we took a leisurely stroll up Castle Rock with Mom and Dad.  It was a gorgeous day and it was nice to get out and get some fresh air.  Brittany was a really tired from the late night last night (and a tad grumpy because of it) so she slept in the van and missed out.  🙁

We came back, watched the second session of Conference, and then had a yummy grilled meal out on our newly poured patio!  🙂  The rock and sod and fence are not in yet, but things are looking good!  This week they should finish up!

By |2013-12-23T06:07:12-07:00October 6th, 2013|Church, Home Life, School|0 Comments