Family Vacation Day 4

Today we got up early and went for a walk on the beach it was cloudy and overcast, but it felt SO good!  We took some pictures of the house and some views of the beach as well…

We then went to church in one of the Sunset Beach wards.  They were really nice to us.  It was a small ward, and with all of us there, we about doubled the congregation size!  🙂  After church we drove over to the Newport Beach Temple with David and Gina and their family.  It’s a small temple, but very beautiful and the grounds are amazing.  It was so peaceful there amidst the bustle of everything going on around.  We took lots of pictures of the kids, family pictures, and pictures of the flowers and gardens there.

We then spent the afternoon relaxing and enjoying company.  Almost everyone is now here and it was nice to see family.  The kids couldn’t stay of the beach, so we let them go out and watch the waves, with them promising that they wouldn’t get wet.  So much for that promise.  The boys tried MUCH harder than the girls did.  The girls jumped right in in their street clothes and got sopping wet.  They claim they didn’t hear us tell them not to get wet.  🙂

The weather by that time was gorgeous with blue skies and a slight breeze.  A bunch of us at different times in the evening took walks together on the beach in the sunset.  What a wonderful evening!